Good architecture adapts to changing needs.

We create environmentally, socially, culturally, and economically sustainable environments by listening to our clients.

We are a multidisciplinary architectural studio and collaborate with our partners in the fields of building design, urban planning, property development, and research.

Over our office’s 60+ years of history, we have designed numerous residential and public buildings, renovations and alterations, and have created several detail plans and master plans.

We approach design as part of broader urban and architectural context, emphasizing the synthesis between the environmental requirements and opportunities and the objectives of the projects as a central aspect of our work.

Building Design

We operate in building design tasks for a wide range of projects, including residential properties, schools, daycares, as well as cultural, administrative, and office buildings.

Renovation and Alteration Planning

We specialize in the renovation and alteration planning of culturally and historically significant buildings.

Land Use Planning

We engage in land use planning, ranging from detailed zoning plans to area-level strategies and studies.

Property Development

We provide comprehensive property development services, encompassing everything from zoning and planning to detailed design and complex changes in land use.

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Innostava ja kasvava työyhteisömme etsii kokenutta ja itsenäiseen työskentelyyn tottunutta projektiarkkitehtia. Työkenttämme koostuu mielenkiintoisista ja vaativista peruskorjaus- ja muutoshankkeista sekä asuntosuunnittelun kohteista. Kokemus toteutussuunnittelusta sekä sujuva Archicadin käyttö katsotaan eduksi.
	Lisätietoja tehtävästä antaa Ville Kuhmonen – / 09 68445130
Päärautatieaseman uudistushanke siirtyi uuteen vaiheeseen, kun uudet matkustajapalvelutilat avattiin länsisiipeen. 
Uusi porras- ja hissiyhteys liittää kellarikerroksen uudet yleisö-wc:t, lokerikko- ja neuvontapalvelut osaksi aseman yleisiä tiloja.

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